Emergency Childcare Service

Emergency Childcare
Ph 973-4011 extension 6314

After hours, 973-4011, Press (0) for Base Operator, ask for the Emergency Chaplain.

The MFRC Emergency Child Care Service supports the ability of CF members to be available for all types of duty by ensuring parents have access to child care in unexpected emergency situations. The service also assists families in the development of a family care plan, and provides referrals to a variety of child care services.

In specific circumstances the Emergency Child Care Service may provide up to 72 hours of financial support for families during an emergency by paying for childcare.

Emergencies do not including recurring events during the course of a year.

Such circumstances should be addressed in the family care plan. Emergency situations are expected to be resolved within a 24-72 hour period and are considered situations that are not foreseeable.

Examples of emergencies that would qualify for this service are:

Family Care Plans (FCP)

To reduce the likelihood of an unfamiliar person caring for their children, military families are encouraged to have their own FCPs.  Information is available from the MFRC about how to develop an FCP.

Click here for information on the FCP.

For more information:

Janna Stirling Gilchrist, Emergency Childcare Coordinator
Ph. 973-4011 Ext. 6314