Text Box: Yellow Ribbon Pins / Magnets Order Form
Number of Yellow Ribbon Pins Ordered_________ @ $5.00 each = $ __________
Number of Yellow Ribbon Magnets Ordered______ @ $3.50 each = $ __________
Subtotal = $ __________

Postage and Handling ... Please add 10% to Subtotal = $__________
Total = $_______________
All prices are in Canadian funds and include GST. 
Fax your completed form to 1 (780) 973-1401
Email your completed form to information@mfrcedmonton.com
Call 1 (780) 973-4011 ext 6300
Mail your completed form to:    -    Yellow Ribbon Campaign; Edmonton Garrison Military Family Resource Centre
Box 10500 STN Forces; Edmonton AB T5J 4J5 - Canada
Mailing Address______________________________________________________________ 
City/Town_________________________________ Prov/State_______ Country__________ 
Postal/Zip Code_____________________________ Phone Number _____________________
Payment Method:    ___Cheque          ____Money Order         ____MasterCard    ___VISA
(Please make payments payable to the Edmonton Garrison Military Family Resource Centre)
 Mastercard or VISA# ____________________________________________________________
EXP DATE _____/_____                                                                                                                                                                             Month/Year                       